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I just bought an Onward golf cart over the phone from Jason. It was so easy and he was soooo knowledgeable that all of my questions were immediately answered. So much so that I called him back and ordered a 2nd unit. Because I have steep hills on my property, I asked to come demo a new cart with the Lithium battery. I was met at the showroom by Clarke who took me out for a demo and reviewed my order with me. Any concern I had about being able to climb our hills was immediately dismissed. I never experience this kind of power and braking - up and down the worst of hills. We then went back to the showroom where I met Amber, who takes care of much of the scheduling and administration. It's been quite some time since I walked out of a place of business with such a great feeling because of who I chose to do business with. GREAT people, very knowledgeable, very fair, and just very genuine and nice. What a terrific buying experience!!

Alan MacMurray, SC

I can not give Appalachian Golf Carts a more ringing endorsement for their prompt service, friendly attitudes, knowledgeable salesmanship, and prompt delivery.

Jim, Highlands, NC

I recently purchased an electric golf cart at Appalachian GolfCars and am very happy that I did. The owner, Clark Hickock, gave me all the time I needed to ask every one of my numerous, prepared questions... I would definitely recommend them to anyone who is searching for a respectable, trustworthy, authorized Clubcar dealership in Western North Carolina.

John & Sue, Nebo, NC

We found ourselves in the Mountain Falls Motor coach Resort in Sept, 2015, amid some of the most friendly, caring, and genuine people we have run across in years of travel by coach. But one of the highlights of our time here was to meet Clark and Mary Lou Hickock, owners of Appalachian Golf Cars. We were in need of a golf cart for transportation around the park and knew nothing about them. Clark spent so much time with us, educating us about the “ins and outs” of all things golf carts. We realized very quickly that this man was honest and truly cared about our buying experience. When Clark says he is going to do something, he does it and you just know he will be there for you down the line, whatever the issue with your cart.


I want to let you know how good the electric golf carts function on Burlingame CC’s mountainous golf course. We use our cart almost daily for golf and trips to the dog park. Between Beth and me we put about five rounds of golf weekly. My usual day is 18 holes of golf, a trip across the river to the dog park, and then let my dog run 9 holes of golf-- and the warning light for low battery does not come on! I do take care of the batteries. I have my electronic calendar alert me twice a month to top off the batteries. I have heard some people have some problems, but all my friends who take care of the golf cart batteries by frequent and regular maintenance can drive as much as they want.


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