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Secure Your North Carolina Golf Car Today With Appalachian Golf Cars

As seasons change, so do your golf car needs. At Appalachian Golf Cars, we offer comprehensive storage solutions that provide peace of mind during the off-season.  Our comprehensive storage solution includes pick-up at the season’s end, covered storage, full service, battery charging, detailed cleaning, and delivery at the season’s beginning. This storage service is more than just a space to park your golf car; it’s a complete care package designed to ensure your vehicle is in top condition when it’s time to hit the road again. Let us take the hassle out of storage, with services including pick-up, maintenance, and delivery.


Comprehensive Storage Services

Let Appalachian Golf Cars take the worry out of storing your golf car. During its stay, your golf car will receive the utmost care to ensure optimal performance. We offer:

  • Pick up at the end of the season
  • Covered storage
  • Full service
  • Charge batteries (3x)
  • Detail car
  • Deliver at the beginning of the season

All for only $429.00 total!

Why Choose Our Storage Service?

Opting for Appalachian Golf Cars ‘ storage service means you’re choosing convenience, security, and the assurance that your golf car will be cared for by professionals. Our hassle-free pick-up and delivery service means you don’t have to worry about transporting your golf car. We’ll handle everything, making the process as convenient and seamless as possible for you. You can rest easy knowing that your vehicle is in expert hands, receiving attention and maintenance that will extend its lifespan and ensure its reliability.

Find Your Perfect Golf Car Today